Genre "Action"
Batman Begins Hans Zimmer, James Newton Howard 2005 |
The Quest Randy Edelman 1996 |
Van Helsing Alan Silvestri 2004 |
Wasabi Eric Serra and others 2001 |
Vertical Limit James Newton Howard 2000 |
Platoon Georges Delarue 1986 |
Le casse Ennio Morricone 1971 |
Outlander Geoff Zanelli 2008 |
Reign of Fire Edward Shearmur 2002 |
Le marginal Ennio Morricone 1983 |
Innerspace Jerry Goldsmith 1987 |
Waterworld James Newton Howard 1995 |
Superman Returns John Ottman 2006 |
Con Air Mark Mancina & Trevor Rabin 1997 |