Genre "Action"
Paragraph 78 2007 |
Jurassic Park John Williams 1993 |
The Lost World: Jurassic Park John Williams 1997 |
Jurassic Park III Don Davis 2001 |
Swordfish: Score Christopher Young 2001 |
Swordfish Paul Oakenfold 2001 |
The Patriot John Williams 2000 |
Sueurs Pascal Lafa 2002 |
Captain America: The First Avenger Alan Silvestri 2011 |
The Transporter 2002 |
Transporter 2 2005 |
Transporter 2: Score Alexandre Azaria 2005 |
Transporter 3 Alexandre Azaria 2008 |
Pearl Harbor Hans Zimmer 2001 |
Looper Nathan Johnson 2012 |