Soundtracks to movies of 1994
The Shawshank Redemption Thomas Newman 1994 |
True Lies Brad Fiedel 1994 |
Natural Born Killers 1994 |
Disclosure Ennio Morricone 1994 |
Scarlett John Morris 1994 |
Speed 1994 |
Speed: Score Mark Mancina 1994 |
Terminal Velocity Joel McNeely 1994 |
The Shadow Jerry Goldsmith 1994 |
Only You Rachel Portman 1994 |
Dumb & Dumber 1994 |
Street Fighter 1994 |
The Flintstones David Newman 1994 |
Forrest Gump: Score Alan Silvestri 1994 |
Forrest Gump 1994 |